
FIRESAFE NORTH AMERICA is a fire and life safety coalition with the shared goal of more resilient fire-safe buildings. 


Policy and Code

It is the position of Fire Safe North America (FSNA) that balanced fire protection design, also referred to as safety layering, redundancy, or reliability enhancement integrates multiple features and systems into the design to reinforce one another in case of the failure of any one. 



FSNA has prepared position papers for distribution to participants in the code development processes, including committee members, prior to the hearings, technical committee meetings and report sessions on significant code changes to the passive fire protection industry.


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MEMBER Benefits

  • Greater influence towards building fire safety policy and code work

  • Protect and grow your business opportunities

  • Share a common campaign towards more resilient, fire safe buildings with the alliance

  • Opportunity to leverage your expertise with others towards a common goal


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Fire Safe North America™ (FSNA) is pleased to announce the acceptance to serve as the lead agency for the Industry Council, a sub-group of the Project FAIL-SAFE Steering Committee. FSNA has also agreed to be a stakeholder and strong supporter of this initiative.

Launched by the National Association of State Fire Marshals Fire Research and Education Foundation, the FAIL-SAFE project aims at Factually Analyzing Integrated Layers of Safety Against Fire’s Effects.